Last week Wed, when i put my boys to sleep i thought of change a new music CD for them. Instead of the usual church music, i play Richard Clayderman for them. They notice i change a new music on that night, they ask me why i change the new one. I said since now they learn music, so must listen to more music and one day like this uncle ( Richard Clayderman) can play very nice music, and become famous and can earn a lot money, then can buy mummy things.
Fearles as usual just keep quiet on my comment, Cruz said " so i can buy mummy "ski" shoe? (he is refering to the roller blade shoe, because hub promise to get them one when they grow older, so he is keep thinking about that shoe) Then i said " ya ya, then you can buy mummy the "ski" shoe". After a while, Cruz said this.......
Cruz: mummy, you got A LOT money!!!!!!
mummy: *i got shock* mummy got money?? where?? why you said mummy got a lot money???
Cruz: yea, mummy got a lot money and put it in the box (he use his hand and act like how i close the box)
mummy: *i'm in deep curious* huh? Box? what box?? mummy put what money in the box???
Cruz: neh, mummy got money and put into the box.
mummy: *i still don't get what cruz said * no, i don't have the box got a lot money.
Cruz: got, neh, that day wai da gong (my grandpa) give you money RM100 and you put inside the box (my purse)!!!!!!!!!!!
mummy: *slap forehead* OH!!! ya ya ya
During my grandpa recent trip to KL, i had lunch with him and he give me some pocket money and ask me to buy things for the boys. When my grandpa passed the money to me, Cruz saw it and he remember it and he saw the RM100 note!! Lucky he don't know how much is inside!! hahahhahahahhahahahhaha I have to be more careful in front of Cruz!!