These are not the Droids you are looking for...

I wish I had the power to use the Jedi Mind Trick...

I got this right after I got Slave 1 for Christmas. I had to have a Sandtrooper Minifigure... Plus I also wanted to take my chances if I got a rare Gold C-3PO Minifigure.

Anyway, here's Luke Landspeeder Lego that I built...

"You don't need to see his identification... These are not the Droids you are looking for..."

Last year, I saw Disney's "The Sorcerer's Apprentice" and there was a scene about getting identification. Now Alfred Molina's character was using the "Jedi Mind Trick". The funny part was when the sidekick villain added "These are not the Droids you are looking for"! It was only me and Jonty who laughed. My problem was I was laughing so bad that I had to stop since no one was laughing in the cinema! I was like "Seriously??? No one watched Star Wars??? C'MON!!!" I was disappointed...

Guys, if you haven't seen a single Star Wars film, please go see it... Start with STAR WARS (A new hope), then The Empire Strikes Back and then Return of the Jedi. After that you can see the prequels... Appreciate it people... please? :)

Anyway, Star Wars was a HUGE part of my life because at one point, I was totally obssesed with it! But not to the extent that I memorized the names of the aliens. I'm not that obsessed... But I tell you, I am a FAN of the saga! And STAR WARS > Star Trek!!! Yes!!! I said it!!! Jedi > Starfleet. 

At first the Lego didn't really get to me but man, these Lego Star Wars sets are actually pretty cool!