Georgina is so annoying. I really want to just slap some sense into her. Why won't she change? Or why won't Blair get rid of her?
That queen is such a b(w)itch. I want to do the same thing to her as Georgina.
I can't wait until Blair and Chuck are together for good. Come on already! So much drama with Blair. I want to see her smile for once.
Chuck: A dowry? What century do you think this is?I feel bad for Serena because Dan obviously doesn't feel the same about her.
Chuck is willing to buy Blair's freedom, all because he loves her. He's freaking amazing. Their scenes always make me cry! Seeing Chuck's heart break over and over is just too much for my fragile heart.
I feel bad for Dan being such a good friend to the one person he's in love with. He's a good person.
I love how smart the real Charlotte Rhodes is. She's not down to be in Nate's crazy world.
Georgina is so evil.
There's so many lies in this show. Now it seems Dan is up to no good.
Crazy, Cupid, Love
Blair as the Queen of Hearts - oh dear.
I love the real Charlotte Rhodes putting Nate in his place.
Eww, the fake Charlie is back. I can't stand her. Why is she back?
I love how Chuck offered to help Nate get a girl. How sweet! He really has changed.
What does Georgina get for hurting so many people and making their lives miserable? Seriously.
I'm glad that Blair playing cupid has brought smile to her face once again, even just for a while.
Why did Dan kiss Blair?! He knows better!
Will the real Charlie Rhodes, please stand up? The real one and the fake one SERIOUSLY DO NOT look a like. I mean come on. The fake one has a wide face and a crazy annoying voice or the lack of it! I wish the real one would just reveal the dang secret already.
Do you watch Gossip Girl? I've still yet to get to the latest episode but let me know how you feel about the show in the comments!