Today is the first day of my final business project. I really am not looking forward to going to class, but it must be done. The sooner I start, the sooner I can finish. The final project is a group research project that ends in November if I'm not mistaken. One bright side of this is that we finish the class/research earlier than an actual semester. Did I mention the class is almost 5 hours? Good thing we only meet 4 or 5 times total before we start the research itself.
The rest of my classes start next week. The classes I'm taking are:
- California History - I'm not looking forward to this. I don't like history or government classes.
- Acting Class - still not finalized yet. I'm leaning towards Robert Foxworth's class. You know, the voice over actor for Ratchet from the Transformers movies :)
- Independent Study (Acting) - this will also be finalized either next week, or the week after. I will be focusing on mastering two contemporary monologues to prepare myself to audition for films and TV once I graduate. I've already picked out Flipzoids by Ralph B. Pena as my dramatic play. Now I just need to find a comedic play to complete the first phase of the study. Did I mention I have to write my own syllabus? :)
So, did you already start your semester? If not, when do you start? Are you excited?!