Backdated - Lion Dance

This year, my sons manage to see a few round lion dance. This make them very happy, till today they still ask for lion dance. We got a lion dance competition CD at home, they have been watching over and over again.

Beside than the chinese new year eve they saw once at FGS, then on the 8th days of chinese new year which is a replacement holiday for FT day, i brought them to mid valley. Since i need to change the SD card for their Ninetendo (yes, my boys very rough on playing it, this is the second card i change for them and it's not cheap ok.:( ) I leave them with their daddy and maid at the shop, then i went shopping myself. hahahhahahhahahahha

After my shopping while on my way up to the game shop to look for them, i saw lion dance troupe are getting ready in front of Yamaha want to do "lion dance". I quickly run up to the shop and bring my boys down to see the lion dance.

On the 14th days of chinese new year, hub and BILs engaged a lion dance troupe to 'bless' their stalls at the market. We (me and sils) bring all the kids to market to see the lion dance. Two rounds, one is on the 1st floor of the market, that is meant for the whole market, second round is on the individual stall that engaged them.

This is at the main market

my two boys manage to get the orange from the "lion"

this is a group picture, when all the kids waiting for the "lion" to come
"lion" eat the vege at our stall

lion resting and doing the flower deco
tada!!!!! it's ready!

father and son monkey-ing at the market.

On the last day of chinese new year, 15th day (chap goh meh), we went out for dinner instead of cooking a storm at home. We had dinner at Oversea Restaurant at Jaya 1, after dinner, we heard there is "lion dance" sound from somewhere, we go and find where the sound come from. My boys so happy they can see the last round Lion Dance, when we are there it almost finish, and the lion already finish their "acrobatic stunt" we still manage to see the ending part. That is one of the bistro engaged the lion dance troupe, i think must be the expensive one, and after the ending lion dance show, they light up 8 long fire crackers!! One of the famous MY FM DJ and one of the local artist was there with the bistro owner to receive the "blessing" from the "lion".

After watching so many lion dance this year. Two of my boys also do their own lion dance at home. Since they don't have lion head to dance with they use the blanket, jump from one bed to another bed. Sick or not? Not only this, they wear their arm gear and leg gear too!!!! Actually it is Fearles more "addicted" to lion dance, he start all this first, then only his brother Cruz also follow. *slap forehead*

*sorry for the blur picture*
Hand and leg gear - BOLSTERS