My Creation Part 14

School holiday started, i also take a break on my daily bento-ing. This is what i serve to my sons and also the two "small tuitions teacher" on last week.

Daily snack bento - trying out on the two different size star
shape cutter from Daiso. Bread with cheese and Fearles with
Dragon fruit and Cruz with strawberry.

Bahulu with cheese flower on top, cereal and papaya.

swiss roll, cereal, kiwi and snacks.

this is the lunch that i prepare for the cousin brother, since
i am preparing for the two older sister i prepare one for him too.
Rice, baked bean, mince meat and grapes and a "monster" quail egg.

this is the two bento lunch for the "tuition teachers".

my sons with the same food but instead of flower i use star.
Then fruits with strawberry and sweet plum.
Happy bento-ing everyone. :)