upin ipin wallet...

This sweet mummy gave my boys upin ipin wallet when i met up with her last two weeks. My boys get so excited, now they got their own wallet. Back home can't wait and ask me to give them some money to put inside the wallet.

I give them RM1 to put it inside then they ask for coins, i give them 10 cents. When they go out, they bring their wallet and put it in the pocket.

There is one night, when i chit chatting with them on the bed, suddenly Cruz ask, "mummy, you don't have diamond ring?" Wah wah wah, i never thought my boys know what is diamond, i told him, no, mummy no money, cannot buy diamond ring. You know this sweet boy told me, mummy, i got money in my wallet i can buy BIG DIAMOND for you. LOL!!!! They still don't know the money value, they thought RM1 is a lot money, can buy DIAMOND! *noted this down, and want to show to Cruz when he is older and he better keep his promise to buy me a big diamond ring!* hahahhahahhahhaha

When i want to paid parking after their music class, my two boys rush to the parking machine and take out the wallet, fight with each other see who paid for the parking. I told them, their money is still not enough to paid the parking fees, last, i win and i paid for the parking. After that night, i cannot find where is Fearles's green colour upin ipin wallet, either he too excited want to paid for parking and accidently drop the wallet. I search high and low at home, still cannot find his wallet, he is a bit sad. I promise to get him another one.

It's good to let them have a wallet and keep little money in it, at least can teach them on the counting and the value of the money.

This is the story about their upin ipin wallet. :)