I read a lot about kids asking their mummy, where are they when their mummy and daddy taking the wedding picture.
Last week, while the two boys playing in the room, suddenly Fearles stand on the bed and look at my wedding picture and asked...
Fearles: mummy, this is you? (pointing at the wedding picture, they have seen that since the day they born, but they never ask till last week)
Mummy: ya, that is mummy.
Fearles: Mummy, why you go there, why no bring Fearles go there?
Cruz: ya mummy, where us? Where me and Fearles? We stay at home?
Mummy: hmmmmmmm..that time still no Fearles and Cruz la!
Fearles: where? where me??
Mummy: hmmmmmmm.....oh, you and Cruz are in mummy's tummy la, just like "sum sum" (sister in law), got baby inside the tummy?
Cruz: oh...then i want to go to mummy's tummy again.
Mummy: *speechless* lucky can stop them for asking more question.
Time to start to tell them where baby come from?