This year a bit quiet on our side, as older kids all go to primary school, only left three still in that kindy, my two boys and another cousin, Isac. Sport start at 8.30am and every parent will bring some food for the sport day. This year, i bought mee siam and i do the konnyaku jellies, and my sister in law bought vitagens for all the kids.
Sport day banner at the kindy...
the three naughty boys from Lee's family...
the awards for the kids, everyone the champion!!!
Line up before they matching boys are in blue team with Isac too.
Isac lead in front holding Malaysia flag....
welcome and opening prayer, praise and workship, and sing Negaraku....
Then start the events with..........
- Hopping Kangaroos
- Models in the making
- turtle eggs
- Colourful H2O
- fishing for coins
- walking tortoise
Cruz in "models in the making", make sure the small pillow don't drop from the head.
Fearles with the colourful H2O, pour the water in the big container, see which group got the most water.
Fearles, fishing for coins...
Cruz turn for fishing for coins...
This year, the kindy set up a bouncing castle at the compound to let the kids have more fun time. I can tell you all the kids just can't wait to go to the bouncing castle and play, with the scorching hot sun, all kids were cover by sweat! Due to the hot hot weather, Fearles got nose bleed, lucky is after the event and while all the kids play at the bouncing castle, someone accidently kick Cruz's nose, and it bleed a bit. :(
Those kids after finish their event, they start to play at the castle, and the sport still continue with some event, where by participate by some ex students and also mummies.
look at the kids, having tons of fun time, jumping and sliding.
me and my sister in law, notice the colourful necklace on our neck? That is the game we participate. We need to put the beads slowly in a string and attach a smiley round token as pendant. You know, i always don't have the luck, and i always "kalam kabut", when i half way doing, all the beads drop and i have to start all over again and i think i got the last, and my sister in law got the second!! LOL!
The result, my boys's blue team got champion!!!!!
After the prize giving, we got refreshment, lots of food!!!! I am too busy eating, didn't take any picture of the food and the weather was too hot, we have to "hide" in the classroom and enjoy the food.
This year one of the teacher's husband, volunteer to get the kids face painting, another highlight of the day. Kids were having so so much fun.
Fearles want to paint a tiger on his hand...
Cruz decide to paint his face as tiger!! Cute?
After seeing Cruz as a tiger, Fearles want to have another tiger on the face...
this is my two tigers!!!!
After back home, had shower, then they took out their last year prize, they said want to show daddy their awards. Fearles took this picture, two were from last year, and another two are from this year. :)
That hot afternoon, we three were too tired, after another light lunch, we had a long afternoon nap to recover our tiredness. LOL!