Two of them are doing good, just that lately their weekday school homework increase. :( Beside than school, homework, music class and art class, they do have their leisure time too.
The big kid (my hub) at home, bought this two weeks back. " I think" it is a game for PS2 or PS3, i am not sure. He bought the steering, gear and the pedals, it's a set, at first i was wondering how is he going to play with that.
Next day, when i back home from work, i saw him DIY this "table" to put his "new toy". See the two boys are so excited, they can't wait to play with it. Oh ya, didn't i said the big kid is the handy mandy in the house? Anything regard fixing, he is the first person we think of.
is the 'table" look good? DIY by the big kid.
Fearles's leg not long enough to press on the pedal, that's why he sit so near to the steering.