Sheyanne's mummy Shei Wei msn me 4 months ago, that is around June i think, she asked me whether i can do bentos for her girl's birthday party in Oct. I told her, i can't because i don't think i can do a nice bentos. For my boys or for my boys school birthday party i still can la, but for someone birthday party, i don't have confidence in myself. Some more i have to do it for the kids that age from 8 months old - 3 years +, so young! She keep tell me, i can do it and she trust me. hahahhahaha
I didn't promise her, she msn me again in Aug and "remind" me on her girl birthday coming soon, have i got any idea in mind? I still told her, i think i cannot do it. To cut story short, finally i told her i will try my very best to do something for her girl's birthday party. We only start confirm on the food and some idea few weeks ago before the party. She provide me with the boxes and picks and i will do the foods and "deco". We met up a week before, she passed me all the boxes.
Today, is the actual day, i woke up early, start preparing the food and all the necessary. Actually last few nights i didn't sleep well, i am quite "stress"! hahahhaha I really afraid i cannot come out something nice! I cook the food, and start mould the rice, try to do little detail deco as more as i can, but time limit, end up some i didn't do any nice deco on it. :( Lucky i got a maid to help me here and there and lucky only 13 bentos and not 50 bentos like last time i did for my boys birthday party, but 13 also quite a hard task!!!
get ready all the bento boxes......
Bird/Chic theme, inside the box, one chic, pasta, meat ball, quail egg, corn, broccoli, on the top, strawberries, mini seedless grapes, and mash potatoes!!
slowly add in things one by one.......
my "cacat" Hello Kitty!!
my very 1st attempt in trying Hello Kitty Rice!!! Hello Kitty is for the birthday girl -Sheyanne!!
I try to do it week before, first time my boys told me it look like TIGER! And i cannot get the kitty's nose right, yellow colour. Finally i think of using egg yolk, and i mould it out. Tada! I am happy with the outcome, i keep looking at the hello kitty pictures, although it is very common, but want to get it right, not so easy lei ( to me la)! LOL!
close it up, ready to go!!
I manage to finish it 15 mins just before 12.30pm!!! I hope Shei Wei and her girls and the guest love the bentos. * i am very worried* hahahhahahhaha. Thanks again Shei Wei!