Wishing the best for Pam Spaulding today

As readers of Pam's House Blend know, blogmistress Pam Spaulding (right) was scheduled to undergo major surgery this morning in South Carolina.

Today, a bunch of us bloggers are writing to express our love for Pam and to wish her a prompt recovery.  As her illness has forced Pam to take unpaid leave from her day-to-day job we are also urging readers to help her with surgery-related expenses through donations to her PayPal account.

I have long been a fan of Pam's. I am often amazed at her proficiency and output, which might sound like bland words to describe someone, but when you realize that Pam works full-time and manages to consistently keep the quality of her blog top notch day in and day out, I hope it comes across as the high praise I mean to convey.  It's not for nothing that Pam - and Pam's House Blend - is considered to be one of the most influential blogs out there.

Our love also goes to Pam's wife, Kate, who is keeping by Pam's side.

The surprise get-better blog swarm was the idea of the other writers at Pam's House Blend as well as journalist Karen Ocamb.  I am more than happy to join them and others in embracing Pam and wishing her the best.

Other participating blogs include Rod2.0, The Mad Professah Lectures, Joe.My.God., Michealangelo Signorile, Karen Ocamb's LGBT POV, Towleroad, Joe Sudbay at AmericaBlog Gay, Zack Ford, David Mixner, Jeremy Hooper at Gay As You, among others. In other words, the LGBT bloggers' glitterati.

Get well soon, Pam, we all love you.

UPDATE, from Pam herself: