When i reached office, i saw this beautiful flower cookies bouquet on my table. My first impression was "Wow! This is so beautiful!!" I took the card and read, it's my belated birthday gift from this lovely mummy! It is really a sweet surprise and it bright up my day too! The whole day i can smell the cookies smell, but it is too pretty to be eaten.
Nice and pretty..
closer view, the bumble bee is the card and there is another small container with cookies under the card.
another closer view...
now you can see another container with cookies.
Want to order this unique and something different for your loved one, friends, relatives or baby full moon gift, hop over to kindred kookies to look at the beautiful creation.
Actually till today, i still don't have "heart" to eat those pretty cookies, but i have to "clear" it before i go for holidays next week. Otherwise those "small friends" will eat on behalf of me. Kids at home, they just can't wait to finish for me, everyday eyeing on it, today when i ask them what color they would like to have, they happily tell me, i want big purple color, pink small one, bla bla bla.....
Once again, thanks so much Paik Ling for your thoughtfulness and also Chakle from kindred kookies for the beautiful bouquet.