Sometime kids are easy to please, not neccessary buy them expensive toys or hi tech gadgets (but they still wish they can get those!!)
Weeks ago, i quietly stock up the fridge with their favourite yakult, vitagen, ice cream and some sweets (they get to eat, when they behave good as a rewards) . I didn't tell them, when they open the fridge and saw all the things, they said, oh, you buy them? Thank you mummy, and they run to me and give me a hug! *sweet*
I am quite lazy in doing my bento lately, all my tools are collecting dust. :( Daily i still prepare them bread or some pancake to bring to school, easy and quick. On some day, i will give them some surprise like below......
Pin a gummy gum on top of the bread, another simple and easy bread. When they open the box at school, i can imagine their expression. O..O When i am back home from work, they said, " mummy, i like the "surprise" bread! I want that again tomorrow"
My two happy kids. :)