Yamaha HQ @ Kelana Jaya
We were at the Yamaha HQ at Kelana Jaya for the exam. It was in the afternoon, i don't know why, i think i am the one getting more nervous than the boys. When we are on the way i am too nervous till i got stomach ache! ahhahahahhaha..silly me!
Exam is one by one, i am allow to be in the room together with the music teacher and also one examiner. Exam room was scary, it is so quiet, and that time i can see some worry on my boys face. I cannot do any signal to them, have to leave it to their own.
Cruz doing first, then only Fearles. Both playing one same song and one different song. Fearles was doing good on one of the piece of song and his singing, comment given was his singing is loud and clear. Oh yes, we do get the immediate comment from the examiner after the boys "performance".
Well, now it is all over, this week they are going to have a small party to celebrate their graduation, and looking forward for the next level which is JXC ( Junior Extension Course), after the two years course, then they are going to have a real exam, if fail, means fail and they have to retake the exam.
Outside the exam room, waiting for their turn. :)
Well done boys, and after the exam , i brought them to Mcd to reward them. I told them if the result back, it's a big star, i am going to buy them Smurf toys which requested by them. :)