Some of the brands that people liked were Hershey's, Lindor Truffles, Kit Kat, Ferrero Rocher, and in general, dark chocolate. My favorites are Hershey's, M&Ms, Snickers, Kit Kat, Twix, and Lindor Truffles.

Weirdest Foods Eaten With My Commentaries
-Calamari - I LOVE CALAMARI!! How is it weird? :)
-Green bell paper with peanut butter - eek.
-Rabbit - 0_0
-Frog legs - sounds interesting
-Hog Maul (Pig's stomach stuffed with potatoes/veggies - o_o What have you been eating?!
-cow brains and tongue - ew.
-My weirdest food is Balut. It's a duck egg but I only ate the egg, not the duck.

Creatures Chosen
-Most popular were Vampires and Fairies
-One person can't decide at all :)
-My pick is vampires of course :)

Secrets with my commentaries
-horribly insecure - we all are! Don't worry :)
-The only person who doesn't love Adele - it's okay, I was in that bandwagon, too. Now I respect her, though.
-Suffered from self-diagnosed depression and cutting - Are you sure you're not Demi Lovato? :) But seriously, if you need someone to talk to, you can email me.
-My secret? I will be an actress one day.

Cake favorites!
-Chocolate mousse
-Cheesecake - lots of people love this one!
-Lemon cake (made from scratch)
-Yellow cake with chocolate icing
-Angel food cake
-Chocolate with peanut butter or white icing
-Frozen lime cake - this is the first I've heard of this cake
-I love chocolate cake but I also love lemon cake. I really don't have that much of a preference as long as it has chocolate, vanilla, or lemon in it.

Favorite Smoothie
-Pomegranate and/or Raspberry
-Strawberry Banana
-Green Tea
-Two people hates smoothies - *gasps*
-My favorite is Mango :)

Would you ask me for my autograph when I became famous?
Everyone either said "yes", "sure", "of course", or "heck to the yes"
This was so much fun! Thank you to all who participated in the survey :) Let me know if you want more of these posts.