It’s no surprise to any of you Bloggers, Authors, Editors and other booky folks, that we have one of the most generous and loving communities out there. While we may disagree from time to time, one thing stands on solid ground – when people need help, we give it.
This is why I’m taking this story to the blog, and not just in e-mail as I had earlier today. I ask that if you have 5 minutes, you give it to this blog post.
The Details:
Kayla reached out to me to see if I could post about him, in hopes that people would consider donating to his surgery fund. Christian's family found a doctor in Germany that could replace the broken parts of Christian's neck and give him back, more than likely, everything he had lost. His insurance doesn’t cover surgery in Germany and so they are trying to raise the money on their own.
You all know me, I’m a GO BIG OR GO HOME type a gal and so I started a collection, beginning with my friends through e-mail this morning. The response was immediate, and overwhelming. As Kayla and I sat at our respective computers, thousands of miles apart, we were both nearly in tears at the show of love and support to a boy none of you had ever met. It became clear to me at that moment that this was bigger than we imagined and it was time to take it to the blog.
What Can You Do? You should know, We’re not asking for money.As Authors, Writers, Publishers, Bloggers, and Book Lovers we continually find our book shelves over flowing. More often than not we call out to Twitter looking to trade, share and giveaway items we no longer need but others are dying to get their hands on.
Well, what if you gave one of books to us?
The goal of MMSAI is to spend a few weeks collecting as many donations as we can in the form of:
- New/Used Books YA, MG, Adult Fiction and Non-Fiction
- ARCs
- Autographs
- Swag
- Music
- Gift Cards
- Movies
- Query Letter Help/Editing Help (time donation)
- Essentially things you already have around the house ;)
Once we have complied, what we know will be a prize pack of EPIC PROPORTIONS we plan to give it away. Yes, GIVE it away.
This giveaway will run for several weeks on MMSAI, and entering will be simple. For every $1 any person donates they will get 1 entry into the raffle for this prize pack. And yes, even those who donate to the prize pack are eligible to win!! The Prize Pack right now, is fantastic, but I want to make it utterly impossible for anyone to pass up….
Will you help us? Will you look through your drawers for swag and on your shelves for books? Will you donate your time to help give a young man back the part of his life that was taken from him?
When the prize pack comes around, will you skip a cup of coffee at Starbucks that week to give the $5 to a fantastic cause, and enter for your chance to win?
Will you share this blog post with your Twitter, Facebook and Blog Followers? If you can’t donate an item, or money to enter the raffle can you at least help spread the word?
If you want to help by donating an item to the prize pack please e-mail me at meandmyshelf (at) gmail (dot) com
If you want to help spread the story, please tweet it, post it to you blog (just please link back!!!!) or share the link to this post on Facebook!!!
For more info On Christian & His injury:
Newspaper Article (Elkin Tribune):
Video/Interview with Christian On The News Station:
Newspaper Article (Yadkin Ripple):
Please email her and help any way you can.