Captain America - when he appeared, all I could seem to think about was how yummy he looked. After I got over that, he was kind of bland compared to the other characters. I watched his movie and I remember he was funny in it, but not on this one. He was way too serious and sometimes intense. I still enjoyed watching him, though.

Thor - I also have not seen his movie. He was so intense and really manly with a deep voice. I guess it made sense since he was a demi-god. I wouldn't have realized that until someone mentioned it in this movie. I thought demi-gods didn't have that much power, but he sure did.

Iron Man - I haven't seen his movie but wow, he sure was funny. After seeing him in this film, I really want to see his story now. He was pretty self-centered according to Captain America. The things he said and did were entertaining, however. He reminded me of Johnny Depp in the Pirates movies.

Hawk - I have no idea what his story was but having the bow and arrows really added to my curiosity. He never seemed to run out of arrows even though his pack always seemed empty in one shot and then full in another. I don't know if there was a movie about him. If there was, let me know in the comments because I would love to see him with those bow and arrows to full potential.

Natasha Romanov - Not sure what kind of heroine she was. I heard something about a black widow but I'm not sure if that was her. She was cool, though. I've never seen Scarlet Johansson in that kind of character before, but it made me want to see her other movies now.

Dr. Banner/Hulk - he was an awkward guy. I didn't recognize his name at first. The second time he turned into the Hulk in this movie, however, I was thoroughly entertained. It was when he turned on demand to be part of the avengers and someone told him to "Smash." To me, he was so adorable, especially when he was beating up the bad guy.

Loki - he definitely had character. His mind was twisted and made no sense. My favorite part of the movie was definitely when the Hulk was pounding him to the ground because he provoked the big guy.

Favorite parts:
Hulk side-punched Thor... just for fun.
Hulk pounded Loki on the ground, left and right.
Iron Man seemed to be dead and Captain America and Thor seemed to have given up. Hulk growled and Iron Man came back to life and said "What happened? I hope no one kissed me."
Overall, the movie was great! I really enjoyed it.
Have you seen the Avengers?