Barnes & Noble Signing at the Grove (Pic Heavy)


Long story short, me and my friend WENT TO THE WRONG LOCATION. We ended up in Redondo Beach, because for some reason, I kept thinking of the trip to see Lisa Kessler and got the directions for that event instead!!! We ended up driving an extra hour in traffic, trying to get to The Grove in time (3 hours total + 2 hours to go back home). There were too many close accident encounters that I would be too happy to not experience again. Check out these photos en route to the wrong location :)

They call it "The Boobs"


My friend went a little camera crazy...

I wonder if those buffalo wings are yummy...

Waste of gas lol

This is light traffic... You should see what heavy looks like.

I like to touch things when I drive lol

Fake smile.
We finally made it to Barnes & Noble at The Grove and grabbed something to eat. It felt amazing seeing the authors and listening to them talk. Basically, I was starstruck. They gave away prizes that I unfortunately didn't win. And then, there were the signings :)

As you all know, I like to win books :) I won books from three out of the five authors at the event so I got them signed! I also got pictures with the authors and gave three of them my business card (picture of the card(s) will be in tomorrow's post). I forgot to give my cards to two of them (darn!). I also jotted down some quotes that I liked :)

So sweet!!! :)
"I'm a cryer."
Stairs or Elevators: "Elevators because I like awkwardness."
She hates flying.
"My favorite thing to do in books is to kill people...indiscriminately."
"I don't wanna fly - naturally or in a plane."

She loves flying.
Stairs or Elevators: "Stairs and rock hard gluts."

Very interesting to listen to :)

Love her handwriting!
Very Funny :)
"I used to be able to take pictures just by blinking my eyes. *blink*"
Stairs or Elevators: "Stairs and rock hard thighs."
Overall, it was a fun but very tiring trip. I was so tired, I accidentally ran a red light. Fortunately, there weren't many cars and they were smart enough not to drive off while my reflexes failed me. I was so scared and apologetic! I escaped unscathed, thankfully. I drove slow all the way home after that, telling myself what color the light is over and over again.

Tell me in the comments: Which authors have you met? If you haven't met any, who are you dying to meet?