June R.A.K. Wrap Up + ReAwakened ARC Winner Announcement

Another fun month of R.A.K. completed! Sorry this post is a little late.

For the month of June, I sent out three e-books.
I sent Rae of Hope to Trellyn from The Egyptian Goddess

I sent Vengeance and Ignite to Katrina from Kindred Dreamheart

In return, I received one e-book and a few swags :)

Katrina (see above) sent me a e-copy of Hush, Hush :)

I got some swags from Alexis from Literature Lion

I won't be signing up for R.A.K. in July but I hope you all have a good bookie month! :)


As mentioned in my cover reveal, I will choose one lucky commenter to be entered into the pool of drawing for an ARC of ReAwakened. That lucky person is:

Laura Thomas from fuonlyknew

Good luck Laura! Hope you win the ARC!