Before I get started with this week's Pink Spotlight, I would like to wish my Tita Julie and cousin Lee a very happy birthday!!! They are mother and son with the same birthday. How interesting is that?!! I love you both! I'm extremely blessed to have you as family.
Now, on to our regular hauls. I only received two print books this week. I won it from Lori from Romancing the Darkside. I was the secondary winner because the original one didn't reply. I was also promised the third book when it comes out :) Thanks to the author, Tish Thawer for sending me the books!
This next prize I won in a Facebook party a while back. I don't exactly remember when it was, but it took a while to meet the author in person again and it took me another week or so to get a picture with it. Sorry for the delay! I present to you, Night Walker's poster by Lisa Kessler! Thank you Lisa for the poster!
Another E-books galore this week. Seriously, there are so many free e-books out there, not to mention my luck in them are probably greater than what I had before with print copies.
First, I have Broken by C.K. Bryant. I received it for review from the author. I got the first book on a Facebook party (I think), and I must have seemed extremely dedicated, I was gifted the first book as well. Check out my review of Bound. Thank you C.K. Bryant for the books!

These next two books were given to me as review copies for the virtual blog tour for the second book. I just love Stacey Kennedy! Thank you to Bewitching Book Tours for the books! Note: These books are reviewed on my partner blog Reading on the Wildside. If you want to read my review, they will both be live on August 6.

This next one is a complimentary copy for entering the contest to choose a title for the new series. Thank you to Nancy Straight for a copy of Blood Debt. Also, congratulations to the person who came up with that amazing title! Isn't that cover so beautiful?

The next two e-books were free from Amazon when I got them. Click the cover if you want your own copy! I don't know how long they will stay free. Please note that they are adult books. Proceed at your own risk.

Next, I won Love Lust (Vegas ParaRealm by Amber Scott from Nikki from Close Encounter of the Night Kind. I also win quite often from her blog. Thank you Nikki for the book! I hope I continue my luck on your blog :) If you are an Amazon Prime Member, it is free right now. If not, it is $0.99. Click the cover to be redirected to the Amazon website.
I'm so happy that my luck has extended to beauty products!! This week was a good week for sure!
First, I have awesome goodies from Katie. Check out her YouTube channel and her Blog. From her giveaway, I won EOS lotion and balm, Stila Palette, and OPI Minis New York City Ballet Collection. They are all so amazing!!!
This next one I didn't really expect to win. I mean, I didn't have any luck with cosmetic giveaways before. However, when Trellyn from The Egyptian Goddess emailed me saying I won, I was ecstatic! Thank you Trellyn for the beautiful E.L.F. Palette! I absolutely LOVE the blush and the bronzer! They both have shimmer in them and I love that!
Okay, so by now, I can almost hear you (my reader) wonder when this haul is going to end. Well, we have reached the end. These final items I actually purchased with my own money from Target yesterday. I was so excited when I got them. I tried them all of course :) The only thing I didn't like was the daily brush cleanser. Maybe I'm using it wrong, or it just sucks for me. Either way, I'm giving it away. I've offered it to Trellyn (see above), and she's accepted it. The Cetaphil moisturizer is divine :) It feels amazing on the face!
soft bristles = heaven to me |
Okay, that was all the fun winnings and purchases :) This weekend, I've just been incredibly bored and my eyes were tired so I needed something else to do. I decided to do my nails! Using Zoya Tracie, OPI Don't Touch My Tutu (second in the picture above), and Pirouette My Whistle (fourth in the picture above), I created blinged out nails :D
So, there are a lot to talk about! Talk to me in the comments! Did you like what I did with my nails? I felt so accomplished!!!