As I write this post, I am going through a severe Matt Bomer addiction. I was chatting with my partner Kayla and I pretty much got her laughing out loud in front of her computer with my crazy obsession. At the end of our seemingly-never-ending conversation, she suggested I create a weekly feature highlighting my admiration for this amazing actor. And then, I came up with an even better idea. I would utilize Google Images of him and create a new story below them. New images, new stories every week. Wouldn't that be fun?

Anyway, this feature will start next week. For now, enjoy my little snippets of *ehem* innocent addiction to Matt Bomer......
Kayla: You have to meet him someday :D
Me: i have to meet him one day...
Me: better yet, i have to make out with him one day.
Kayla: Haha! Okay that's better!
"as long as i get to work with him one day... i would be ecstatic... make out with him? i would probably go to heaven afterwards"
Me: Forbidden fruit!!!! That's what he is... Ahhhhh!!!! Stoooooop.....
Kayla: LMAO!
Me: It's like I have a severe case of Bomer PMS. Sh**.
Kayla: OMG
Kayla: Okay let's talk about The Vampire Diares :D
Me: I saw a video where Nina was playing on the same team as him in a celeb ball game. Damn lucky woman.
I am losing it Kayla.
maybe I need to eat.
get me busy.
With food.
not Bomer...
I just thought of something ... Dirty.
damn him.
Kayla: I am hysterically laughing right now!
Me: Black hole in my mind. Ready, set, go.
I can do a blog post on this.
free entertainment to my readers.
Me: Maybe in reincarnation!!!!
Arianne Cruz Bomer. Yep, I already got the first three letters of the alphabet. It is a good sign.
Kayla: OMFG you are so funny!
Me: I can be a comedian when I'm on PMS.
I dare u to say otherwise.
Me: if we were face to face, I would be talking Non-stop. Can u imagine?
Makes u shiver doesn't it.
Kayla: Hahahah I can only imagine and I would be laughing lol!
Me: Then the neighbors would think we lost our minds.
Kayla: Yeah they would I'm a loud laugher!
Me: when the cops and medics come, and write up a report, there would be two words on the paper: MATT BOMER.
dun dun dun
I should start a bucket list... He would be on top.. hmm.. top. Ok. O.o
Me: did I mention what a cute butt he has?
Kayla: OMG you need some help lol
Me: Good for squeezing
Kayla: Matt Bomer rehab!
Me: no such thing.
Kayla: It was worth a shot
Me: Oh I know what I want.
guess what I want.
Kayla: What?
Me: I want...
Kayla: Bomer?
Me: A POSTER! One clothed.. and one... Well u get the idea. (half-clothed)
Kayla: HAHAHA I will have to look into that for you...
Me: maybe I will put the second up in my ceiling.
hmm sexy
So, will you come back on Monday to see what kind of story I've come up with? :)