Matt Bomer Monday (2) : Conspiracy

Matt Bomer Monday is a weekly meme where I choose an image from Google Images and create a story or a poem from it. This is a weekly tribute on Mondays for the amazing actor.

Today's feature is dedicated to Willie Garson who plays Mozzie in White Collar. Since last week's episode was like a Mozzie episode, I had a dream about Mozzie. I thought it would be a nice tribute to him and Matt to write a story about both of them. Enjoy!

Matt entered the room in his tailored tuxedo, exuding confidence and charm. Willie sat comfortably in the couch across the room. Matt approached the table where Alex sat, looking him over, gauging his intentions.

"Let's get going with this. I have a meeting I can't miss." Matt said.

"Of course. Please, take a seat." He stood up and looked over at Willie.

"Oh, I'll wait outside. You have everything you need, Matt?"

"Yes, I got it. Thanks, Willie."

Alex reached into his jacket and said to Matt, "Wait." A gun appeared in his hand and pointed it to Willie.

"Uh, is that really necessary?"

"It's just a precaution. You understand." He fired the gun as Willie turned around to run.


Matt flinched but stayed where he was. He couldn't blow his cover now.

Alex calmly laid his gun on the table and said, "There is a nurse upstairs, Willie. Get yourself cleaned up."

Willie, with his left hand on his lower back, painfully walked out the door. He could feel his warm blood spreading across his back. Dragging his feet to the elevator around the corner, he slumped against the wall. When the door opened again in the second floor, he struggled to stand up and make his way to the "nurse."

The nurse seemed to be expecting him. She was ready with her tools and gloved hands. In what seemed like hours, Willie sat up slowly, grateful for the morphine he was given. He could only feel a tingle now. He hoped that Matt would get the intel he needed quickly so they can both get out of there.

"You can go back downstairs now. Just don't do any strenous activities for the next week. Make sure to get a lot of rest and fluids. I hope you have a wonderful day."

Willie snorted.

The story above is copyrighted to Arianne Cruz. Any reproduction void of permission is illegal.

So, what did you think? Let me know in the comments!
If you missed last week's feature, click the link >> Matt Bomer Monday (1): Reunion