Booking Through Thursday (1): Being a Reader

This is my first Booking Through Thursday! This meme is hosted by Deb from Booking Through Thursday, lol.

This week's question is:

Am I the only one who feels this way? That wonders at how other people can simply NOT do something that should be so essential? Who feels almost sad that so many people seem content to go through their lives without stretching their mental wings at all?

Can you imagine NOT being a Reader? How does it shape your life? Your perception of it?

How does being a Reader affect your relationship with all those folks who are looking at it from the other side and simply can’t understand how you can sit and READ all the time?

My answer:

I also wonder how some people don't read at all. At the same time, I can kind of understand because I didn't always read myself. If you've followed me from the beginning, you know that I first got to reading books when I was going through my first (and so far, only) breakup. As with first breakups, I thought it was the end of the world...until I stumble through the House of Night series by P.C. and Kristin Cast.

Anyway, back to the topic. Can I imagine not being a reader? Yes, because I was there once. But, if you ask me if I can imagine not being a reader in the future, then no. I'm an avid reader now and I will forever be an avid reader. After being immersed in so many beautiful words, there's no going back for me. As for how reading affects my relationship, well, unfortunately, the world doesn't change just because I read. However, I am happier because of it, and therefore, my relationships are also more positive.