How motherhood had change me

Ever since i become a mother, my lifestyle change, not to mention no more wake up late over the weekend, less freedom, less "me" time, less kai kai time, less spa, less outing. Everything come to my mind is kids come first. Today i am not saying how great i am to be a mother, how i sacrifice my times for my boys, i think all the mothers out there are all the same.

Today i want to jotted down something funny. Last time before i become a mummy, i am very scare of dirty. Now i got two boys, sometime i think back, it is really funny. When we go out for dinner, sometime if Fearles not feeling well, he will vomit in the restaurant or Cruz over-eat and he will vomit too. This is become normal to me, no big deal. I still remember there is one time when we dine in one restaurant in one utama, out of sudden, Cruz told me he want to vomit, we manage to catch the vomit in a bowl, (sorry, it always out of sudden, and didnt manage to bring him to toilet) or sometime when we cannot "get hold" his vomit, it will all over the table, how gross it is right? hahhahaha if this happen to me last time i will said "AIYER!!! So dirty and immediate i will lost my appetite" But now, after clean up the boys i still can finish my food!! What i want to jotted down is on the day that we dine at one utama, next to our table got two uncles, with all the gold rings, gold watch on the hand. They are having their dinner too, while Cruz vomit, two of them keep looking at us, after i clean up Cruz and clean up the mess i continue with my food. They must be thinking "like this, you still can eat ar?" hhahahhahaha, because if i'm not a mummy i will think the same!!!!!!

I want to said is after become a mother, many times when we are having our meal, my kids want to poo poo la, vomit la, after clean them up, i still can have the appetite to eat my food, this happen to me always. When i am having my dinner, my boys will tell me, "mummy, i want to poo poo", i have to bring them to toilet, let them finish, wash their bum bum then back to the table and continue with my food, or after their vomit all over the table, after clean up and with some "left over" juice on the table, i still can eat like nothing happen. o_o

I still remember when i was in my confinement month, i have to learn how to take care the babies after the confinement lady left, so one week before the confinement lady left she teach me how to change diapers after the babies pooed. I forgot which one, Fearles or Cruz just did his big biz, so i hold his both leg quite high and want to wipe his little bum bum, i didn't know that he has not finish, suddenly he "shot" out some sh** on my pants, i scream so loud and let go the baby's legs, i think my boy also got a shock from the loud scream from their crazy mummy. hahahhaha This is where i learn everyday till today. :)