Happy 1st Anniversary to #MGlitchat

This summer has been insanely hectic.  I keep meaning to post more often here, but it's all I can do to get my Friday Reads up.  But it will get better soon.  (I hope.)

Anyway, one of the things that has been keeping me away from this blog is my good old Twitter chat for those who love middle-grade books, #MGlitchat.  Our 1st anniversary is upon us, and my chat team has been hard at work devising the coolest chat giveaway in the history of chat giveaways.  We will be handing out 16 giveaways, in fact, from author and agent critiques to books to art and jewelry.  And it all happens TONIGHT.

So, if you are at all inclined to read or write middle-grade, you might just want to stop by and join in the celebration.  To join in, use the hashtag #MGlitchat, and we will be handing out prizes randomly to those who do.  There will be a few that require being the first to answer a question, but the majority will be handed out to those who simply use the hashtag during the chat hour.

The fun begins at 9pm Eastern.  (That 6pm for you Californians.)

I hope to see you there!