I watched it two nights in a row. One by myself, and one with my friend. I never found Jake Gyllenhaal as attractive...until this movie. I mean, look at those arms and biceps! Did I mention I like his hair, too?

Tamina - she was the guardian of the dagger that everyone wanted. She was also the princess of Alamut. She was feisty and brave - I loved her! In the beginning, her and Dastan couldn't get along! Every scene seemed like they wanted to bite each other's heads off. It was entertaining! Towards the end of the movie, all she could do was scream "Dastan!!!" Overall, she was very holy and dignified. I think the actress did a great job playing her character.

Nizam - the guy with the eyeliner. He was the king's brother and counsel. He was a dummy.

Seso - he was the sharpest knife thrower! I just loved his character. He never talked except towards the end when he was being noble and helping out Dastan, calling him a friend. His facial expressions were also priceless! I really admired him.

Garsiv - the angry brother. It seemed he was always yelling in the movie, ready for battle. He was the comedic relief in my opinion. The actor that played him was awesome :D

Tus - he was the bad guy in my eyes in the beginning. He was the next in line for the crown, so it just made sense that he would be bad, right? Well, you would have to watch the movie to find out ;)

Hassassins - crazy warriors with crazy weapons! Their leader was the scariest one. Those eyes give me the creeps.

Overall, I enjoyed this movie very much, especially when Dastan would constantly jump over buildings and do some flips. He was very brave indeed.